See this example of the channel "jp-ja" (i.e. Japan) and the language English (en_GB) selected:

Website restrictions
Your website framework doesn't allow script tags that load an external source
Solution: Create script tag via JavaScript
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title | If your framework allows inline JavaScript... |
If the framework allows you to write inline javascript, try loading the advisor with the following script in your HTML code Code Block |
language | xml |
title | inline JS |
| <script>
const scriptUrl = '//stage.excentos.com/demo/DE/app_Bike-Advisor/en_US/loadadvisor?theme=default';
const tag = document.createElement("script"),
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
tag.type = 'text/javascript';
tag.src = scriptUrl;
<div id="xc_application">
<div id="xc_application_pane"></div>
<div id="xc_loader"></div>
</div> |
Solution: Load advisor via local JavaScript file
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title | If your Framework allows local JavaScript files... |
If your Framework doesn't allow inline JavaScript but it does allow loading local javascript files, upload the following script to your CMS Code Block |
| /**
* =============================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2022 excentos Software GmbH, Potsdam, Germany.
* All rights reserved. Do not redistribute. Strictly confidential.
* =============================================================================
const xcLoader = (win, doc) => {
const env = 'stage';
// const env = 'service' // use for production environment
const acc = 'demo'; // account/company name
const app = 'app_Bike-Advisor'; // application name
const system = 'DE';
const params = {
xcTheme: 'default',
xcLocale: 'en_US',
// $channelid: '',
//*********************** lib ***********************//
//inject service.jsinit
var session = win.location.href.match(/xcSessId=[^&;? ]+/) || doc.cookie.match(/xcSessId=[^&;? ]+/);
var jsessionid = (session && session.length > 0) ? ';jsessionid=' + encodeURIComponent(session[0].split('=')[1]) : '';
const baseUrl = `https://${env}.excentos.com`;
// let scriptSrc = `https://${env}.excentos.com/${acc}/${system}/restservice_v3_0/${app}/service.jsinit${jsessionid}?${paramsStr}`;
const scriptUrl = new URL(`${acc}/${system}/restservice_v3_0/${app}/service.jsinit${jsessionid}`,baseUrl);
scriptUrl.search = new URLSearchParams(params);
var tag = document.createElement("script"),
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
tag.type = 'text/javascript';
tag.src = scriptUrl;
tag.id = "xcJsInit";
xcLoader(window, document);
And load this script in your page, i.e. like this: Code Block |
| <script id="xc_loadadvisor" src="xcLoader.js"></script>
<div id="xc_application">
<div id="xc_application_pane"></div>
<div id="xc_loader"></div>
</div> |
Or by using an appropriate component type your framework offers. |