This page lists the most frequently asked questions regarding product data handling with your Product Guides and in the Workbench.

When are new products live in the Product Guide?

When new products are displayed by the Product Guide depends on how you integrated your product data feed. Take a look at the “Connector Type” in the Product Data view:

If you are using “Local Upload”

Local Upload: You upload your product data manually and there is no automatic upload yet.

If you are using “HTTP or SFTP” connector

HTTP or SFTP: You use an automatic product data connector

I want to add answer options, and change my product data at the same time. How do I proceed?

If you add answer options and at the same time want to change the product data values that are connected to these answer options, the best workflow is:

  1. add, change or remove answer options and optionally change the content

  2. when using local upload:

    1. change the CSV file

    2. Upload your product data using the “Upload File” button

  3. when using HTTP or SFTP:

    1. change the product data in your PIM

    2. wait one night (depending on the schedule that excentos implemented for your data processing jobs) or call excentos support to start the data processing jobs immediately
      (please note that these are jobs performed on the excentos data hub (e.g. merge different feeds) before the Workbench scheduler pulls the data from the data hub, so they use another schedule than configured in the Workbench “schedule” button)

    3. use the “Update” button in the data view to import the changes into the Workbench

  4. adapt the data bindings for the relevant answer options

  5. test the changes in the Workbench Preview

  6. Publish the Product Guide in the “Publish” view in the Workbench to your stage or service environment