This page describes the report "Page Titles" in the section "Behavior".

Page Titles (navigation events)

Check the report "Page Titles" to analyze how your users navigated through your Product Guides, i.e. how he used the phase navigation and the previous / next buttons..

what does the event questionGroup | next or | previous mean?the "next" event is the e.g. "forward / next question" button of the Product Guide. The drill-down shows which phases showed up once the user selected the "next" button
(and corresponding for "previous / back") 
what does the event questionGroup | to mean?the "to" event is a direct click on the phase navigation
what does the event browserHistory | to mean?the browserHistory-Event is tracked if the user used the native browser back or forward button. The drill-down shows to which phase the browser back action navigated to.
what does the event comparison | showComparisonTable mean?shows the number of clicks which opened the comparison view
what does the event productlist mean?depending on the navigation options / pager / auto-scroll in your result list, there may be an event "productlist | page_forward". The event depicts how users navigated in the result list of the Product Guide