What can it be used for?

Using the hiding configuration, you can set the Answer Option availability of a Question. Unlike the visibility conditions, the hiding configuration is based on the product matching. It hides or disables all answers which would produce a non-perfect product match. In other words, the Question contains only Answer Options which maintain the perfect match status.

This perfect match status can depend on a) all previously answered Questions b) all answered Questions or c) on certain answered Question. The certain Questions have to be defined separately.

You can get products with a non-perfect match status if you select only certain Questions as dependencies. The displayed contra reasons are from other Questions which are not part of the dependency list.

Where can it be found?

The hiding configuration is only available in the Visibility section of a Question. You can find it below the visibility condition configuration (see image below).

By default, the toggle button on the right-hand side of the text is disabled. That means, the configuration is not active and cannot be used until the toggle button is enabled.

With an enabled toggle button, the "Edit Configuration" button is also accessible. Clicking this button opens a modal window (see images).

Default settings

Advanced settings

In this window you can specify four different settings: