Welcome to the ecxentos documentation center for all tools and backends of the excentos Guided Selling Platform.

For the convenience of international projects, the excentos documentation is - like all our tools and backends - available in English first. Feel free to contact us at info@excentos.com if you are missing any documentation. Thank you!

Overview of existing documentations

This Customer Support space contains all infos on tools, backends and webservices of excentos. Additionally, there is a lot of other documentation:

  • see the General Documentation on on our corporate Website www.excentos.com. Examples topics are:
    • site integration, on-site marketing and many practical tips and tricks
    • our extensive User Interface Portfolio that shows our widget library and possible UI conventions
  • (optional) your project-specific documentation, also contained in our collaboration tool

Access to this Customer Support space is limited to excentos customers and partners. Please let us know at info@excentos.com if more members of your organization require access to this space.

Use the page tree on the left to navigate through the topics and subtopics of our documentation.

Contact the excentos Support

If your question couldn't be answered by the documentation, please Contact excentos Support.

Overview of documentation spaces