The account information view allows you to add specific let you see some information about your company the account and to check the account activities.
Information Card
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Full name of the company
Headquarter street
City of the headquarter
ZIP code:
ZIP code of the headquarter
Country of the headquarter
Some additional information about the account or the company. This text cannot be larger than 255 number of characters.
URL project-specific documentation space:
Contains the URL of the project-specific documentation space. For example this could be an URL to the confluence space.
paying status and currently used Workbench edition. You can also see some information about the Product Guides and users as well as the account history.
Furthermore, you are able to request a Workbench edition upgrade in this view.
Information Card
Pricing Information
Here, you can see your current account status (Free Trial or Paid) as well as the date, when your current contract expires. Also you can see your Workbench edition, which can be either Start, Professional or Enterprise. Depending on the edition, the Workbench offers different available features. With the aid of the "Request Edition Upgrade" button, you can inform us, that you want to upgrade your Workbench edition.
Status Information
The status section displays the number of already created Product Guides and active users within your account. Furthermore, you can see how many Product Guides were already published und what is the limit of published guides in your current Workbench edition.
Account History
Here, you can see when and by whom our account was created and last modified.
URL issue tracking system:Contains the URL of the currently used tracking system (e.g. Jira) account.
Created on:
Date of account creation
By User:
User who created the account
Last modify:
Date of the last account modification
User who has done the last modification
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