
The answer option's "Data Binding & Connections" detail layout contains a section called "Editorial Picks".

The "Add Picks" button opens a modal window in which you can select an attribute and several attribute values.

What is it good for?

You can use these settings to manipulate the recommendation result page. By selecting certain product ids or certain product attributes, the product which fulfill these criteria are getting an additional push. That means they are ranged higher in the recommendation list than usual.

With that addition, it is possible that products get a higher priority than all other products in the "normal" data binding. How strong the priority is, can be configured for each product value using the push factors. The higher the push, it is more likely that the product is placed higher.

It is also possible to use the editorial pick settings without a data binding. In this case, the push factor determines which product is bind to the answer option and on which position is it placed in the recommendation list. With that variant, you can easily bootstrap your result list from scratch.

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